West Seattle Businesses need Your Support to successfully relocate as a result of light rail.

60+ local Businesses will be displaced by light rail. Our relocation is not guaranteed. With your support, we will survive! Sign the petition to ensure we do!

We embrace the future light rail and the enhanced accessibility it promises for our community. Our goal is to thrive alongside this progress, not be sacrificed for it.

As West Seattle businesses facing potential displacement, we urgently seek your support. We ask you, our fellow community members to help us convey the vital role our services and amenities play to the Sound Transit Board members who will decide our fate.

This summer, the Board will vote on a final route design that could displace us. While Sound Transit offers some financial assistance, for many businesses it falls far short of covering the true costs of relocation. Without adequate funding or access to it, many businesses will be forced to close.

Our collective voices can help ensure that the West Seattle you know and love continues to thrive alongside the new light rail. Together, we can shape a future that embraces progress while preserving local businesses that have helped to shape our unique local character.

Is your favorite West Seattle Business on the list?

Over 60 local West Seattle businesses face displacement as a result of the light rail expansion to West Seattle. Without adequate financial and relocation assistance, your favorite business may face permanent closure and might never reopen.

How can you help?

Sign the petition and stand in support of impacted West Seattle Businesses! Add your voice to the growing chorus of community members demanding adequate relocation assistance for our impacted local businesses. Other ways to help? Email the Sound Transit Board and continue to frequent our establishments and utilize our services & amenities.

Did you know relocation is not guaranteed?

Know the facts about relocation assistance provided by Sound Transit. Impacted businesses don’t want to relocate — they are being told they have to — and for many businesses not given the adequate financial relocation assistance needed to successfully do so. Get the facts around relocation assistance, along with answers to to all your common questions.

See for yourself.

See the plan. Get the info directly from Sound Transit.

We encourage all community members to see the plan, get informed and share feedback with Sound Transit.

  • See the route plans, station designs, and get the latest information on the proposed route to West Seatle.

    Click to see the plans

  • Impacted Properties are buried deep within Appendix L4.1 of the several hundred page Draft EIS document. Potentially impacted properties are listed as addresses and parcel numbers, not specific businesses.

    See the Impacted Property List here.

  • Sound Transit outlines Relocation Assistance for Residential Homes and Commercial Tenants in these guides.

    See the Business & Residential Relocation Handbooks

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